Sign up to the PTA email list for important information, upcoming events, and other school news.
Join The PTA
It’s easy, only costs $15 per family, and just takes a few minutes using our secure online membership system. When you become a member, you will automatically have access to California and National PTA resources, special PTA discounts, and you will be supporting the Sierra Oaks PTA.
Support our Dollar a Day Program
If you are able, consider making a one-time or recurring donation to our Dollar a Day program to ensure that the PTA has the funds needed to support a high-quality public education for ALL Sierra Oaks students. Just a dollar a day ($30 a month) can make all the difference to our students! You can make secure donations thru the TOTEM Membership system or visit the Sierra Oaks PTA Page.
Get Connected
Want to connect with other families in your child’s class? Want to stay up to date on PTA events and issues? Fill out a PTA Student Roster form! Your information will ONLY be shared with other Sierra Oaks families and teachers with your permission.